Modern buyers are spoiled with choices and they are loyal only to those companies that treat them in a special way. So it’s not a surprise that today, personalized emails work much better than standard ones.

If you still doubt the fact that email personalization is important, read this article. Here are five compelling reasons that explain how emails personalization helps to drive more sales and stimulate business growth.

1. Creates an irresistible offer

Do you want to see how personalization helps to add more value to your offer? Let’s consider the following example.

Imagine that you are planning a trip to San Francisco. You have been using different booking services to compare the prices and choose the best place to stay in. Today, you have received emails from two booking websites: and HostelWorld.

The letter from is personalized. It includes information related to your recent browsing history. This email allows you to continue your search and book a hotel room in San Francisco for specified dates.

Screenshot source: Private email received from

The letter from HostelWorld is not personalized. It allows you to take a look at “great deals” in Amsterdam and London.

Screenshot source: Private email received from HostelWorld

Now answer a simple question: which of these two emails do you find more useful? Which of these two offers are more valuable for you as a traveler?

It’s highly likely that once you open an email from, you will click, “View prices” button and continue your search. And what about the letter from HostelWorld? It’s highly likely that you will move it to trash because it’s irrelevant to your current travel plans.

The point is that if you want to drive sales, you should personalize every email you send. Don’t offer any random “great deals”. Try to think like a customer. Develop a unique offer to satisfy the current needs of the addressee.

2. Increases open rate

If you want to boost your email marketing efforts, try to personalize subject lines. It will help you to increase the open rate by 46%. The more people will open your email and see your offer, the higher the revenue you will generate.

You can personalize the subject line in a few ways. Firstly, you can do as most companies do: use the customer’s name in the subject line or you can go further and personalize the subject line using information related to the addressee’s current location, his browsing history, or previous purchases.

3. Builds trust and loyalty

Do you want your company to be profitable in the long run? In order to hit this goal, you should maintain trust and build loyalty among your customers. The great news is that you can do it with the help of personalized emails.

You should inform your customers about all the changes that take place within your company. You should clearly explain to your customers how these changes will affect them personally. You should be honest and never try to hide crucial information.

Let’s compare two emails that inform the addressee about changes to legal agreements and standard terms of use. The first email is from PayPal. It’s a standard letter that states that the company is “making some changes”, but doesn’t reveal any specific information the changes. This email is a bad example to follow.

Screenshot source: Private email received from PayPal

Now let’s take a look at the email received from MailChimp. It includes a comprehensive explanation of how the changes will affect the addressee. There is no doubt that after reading this informative letter, the customer will have no questions regarding the policy updates. This email is a great example to follow. 

Screenshot source: Private email received from MailChimp

4. Makes customers feel special

The best thing about email personalization is that it makes your customers feel valued and special. Naturally, it increases loyalty and makes people emotionally attached to the brand. And, as a consequence, it drives more sales.

You can use personalized emails to congratulate your customers with special events or holidays. In this way, you will be able to evoke positive emotions towards your brand. It will benefit your company a lot.

Screenshot source: Private email received from Upwork

5. Helps customers to make the right decision

Remember that the primary mission of your company is not to sell your products, but to satisfy your customers’ needs. It means that you shouldn’t make your customers buy products they don’t really need. You should use personalized email marketing to help your buyers to make the right decision.

For instance, DS Laboratories, a cosmetics company, sends emails that invite customers, who experience hair loss, to complete hair assessment quiz.  It helps shoppers to learn more about their problem and choose the product that fits them perfectly. Personalization like this allows improving customer satisfaction and increase repeat purchase rate.

Screenshot source: Private email received from DS Laboratories

6. General recommendations for email marketers

Personalize every letter you send.

In 2019, email personalization is not an option, it’s a necessity. Whether you send a weekly newsletter using MailChimp, or contest confirmation email using VYPER, you shouldn’t forget about personalization.

Personalize emails wisely.

Remember that you should use information related to the addressee’s transaction or browsing history only if it’s necessary. In most cases, it’s enough to add the addressee’s name in the subject line. 

“Don’t overload every single email with addressee’s personal data. Otherwise, you may cross that “creepy line” of personalization and scare your customers away,” says Anthony McGregor, a social media specialist at PickWriters.

Use a personalized email signature.

Your customers want to get an email sent not by Company Z, but by a real person, for instance, Roberta, Co-founder of Company Z. So it’s highly recommended to use a personalized email signature. It will add the human touch to digital communication and will make your letters more intimate and open.

Screenshot source: Private email received from

Final Takeaway

No matter what industry your company operates in, you should take email to personalize seriously. Because in the age of fierce competition, it’s crucially important to show your buyers that you care about them.

Appreciate your customers and they will pay you back with loyalty and increased sales. Personalize every email you send and you will take your business to the next level.

Jack Paxton

Jack Paxton is the co-founder of VYPER, a marketing tool that helps brands build email lists, social followings, and revenue using viral giveaways, referral, and reward programs. After millions of dollars spent testing different marketing strategies at his marketing agency. He then also co-founded Hyax a fast, conversion & design-focused course and funnel builder for creators.

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