Six Crucial User Feedback Questions (Plus Four to Never Waste Your Time With)
Stuart Brent is the founder of, a service that provides on-demand feedback for websites and business ideas. He’s a dork and actually really into feedback, and happy to help you form the best questions for your own surveys. Getting feedback from users is...Top Facebook Groups To Join if You’re an Entrepreneur or Marketer (Updated)
Well, all know how important niche groups (especially Facebook) are when it comes to content marketing. Being part of a small targeted community is a great way to gain exposure for your own posts, tools, products or any other content you may be trying to promote. The...Case Study: Motobilt Added 4,290 Emails in 15 Days
How an ecommerce brand used teh VYPER giveaway tool to generate a huge amount of emails, followers and social engagements.